About me!

Hi! I am Sourav! I recently graduated with a Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering.

My Background!

I have always been interested in Research and Development, especially in topics related to Astrodynamics, GNC, and Space Transportation Systems. I began my journey with a small group called Team Aeros. It comprised of nearly 40 individuals, and we looked to participate at the International Planetary Aerial Systems Challenge (IPAS 2021), held by the Mars Society South Asia (MSSA). We finished fourth in the event after months of hardwork. The project report is available on the projects page of my website!

Following our participation in the event, I took interest in beginning a rocketry club in my university. We called it Team Avadhi. We tried participating at the annual Spaceport America Cup 2023 and 2024, but couldn't qualify for the event on both occasions. Around the same time, I became a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers India (SAEIndia). We participated in SAEIndia Aerothon 2023. We were tasked to design a UAV capable of lifting a payload of 200 grams, while also operating autonomously and performing several specified tasks such as payload dropping and waypoint detection. We won a special prize for "Technical Presentation" during phase II of the event. Our team was named Airhaven!

I was also a part of Team Ardra, which participated in the IN-SPACe National CANSAT Competition 2022-24, where we were tasked to design a satellite in the shape of a coke can, capable of taking measurements while descending with a parachute from 900m altitude. The event was conducted in association with the Indian Space Research Organization at Ahmedabad.

Besides my technical experience working with Team Avadhi, Aeros and Airhaven, I also have gained valuable research experience by working with organizations like Deep Space Initiative and Space Generation Advisory Council. My work in those organizations will be published at the 75th International Astronautical Congress, to be held at Milan this year! Besides these, I have published three conference papers and a journal paper. The most recent conference I attended was the International Conference on Advances in Aerospace and Energy Systems (IAES-2024), held at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, Indian Space Research Organization at Valiamala, Thiruvananthapuram, India!

I have also completed my Bachelor's thesis under the guidance of Dr. Geethaikrishnan C, the Deputy Director of the Human Space Flight Center, ISRO, Bengaluru, and Mr. Gnani Ankathi, Scientist 'C' at HSFC, ISRO!

I will be joining The University of Tokyo from Fall 2024 for my graduate studies!

Major Courses and Certifications

  1. Automatic Control - NPTEL
  2. Rocket Propulsion - NPTEL
  3. Space Flight Mechanics - NPTEL
  4. Introduction to Launch Vehicle Analysis and Design - NPTEL
  5. Computational Science in Engineering - NPTEL
  6. Mechanics and Control of Robotic Manipulators - NPTEL
  7. Systems Engineering - Coursera
  8. Aerospace Materials - Coursera
  9. Introduction to Programming with MATLAB - Coursera
  10. Kinematics and Kinetics - Coursera
  1. Vibration of Elastic Systems - Coursework
  2. Aerodynamics - Coursework
  3. Flight Mechanics - Coursework
  4. Aerospace Structures - Coursework
  5. Aerospace Propulsion - Coursework
  6. Flight Laboratory - IIT Kanpur
  7. Rocket Systems Technologies - IISc Bengaluru